
OLCA Estimated funding

Based on the $250.00/ lot annual MRMA dues for fiscal year 2023-24.


1. $250.00 X 2,405 lots @ 100% payments = $601,250.00


Estimated total funds available

( based on 56% of the OLCA members paying their MRMA dues )


@ $250.00 per lot = $336,700.00.


**The previous historical average was at 63% payments received from the membership. So sad this number has dropped to 56%.


OLCA proposed Budget for fiscal year 2023-24

based on estimated funding of $336,700.00.


This is at $250.00 per lot and 56% payments.
1. Road maintenance expenses = $ 151,650.00. @ 45%.
2. Paving maintenance expenses = $ 67,400.00 @20%.
3. Administrative expenses = $ 84,250.00 @ 25%. (Incl. Corp Insurance
4. Property Lien processing expenses = $33,700.00 @10%.
Total budget for expenses =$336,700.00.