Critical Issues: MRMA Dues Shortfall’s Impact on Roads

49% of the 2250 owners in Orchidland have not paid their MRMA dues. All owners agree to meet association annual payments when purchasing land in our community. 579 Owners have not paid dues for 4-6 years. 522 Owners have not paid for 1-3 years. The debt for this failure exceeds $850,000. That amount is two and one half times the annual OLCA budget for 2023. And your association have sustained that loss over 6 years. Our one significant asset as an association are the roads. Fully 80% of the annual budget – based solely on MRMA contributions – goes to developing and maintaining the roads. So every pothole, unsafe access throughway, poor surface transition, and unpaved road requiring rock and grading is short changed. And WE ALL pay the price in road safety, wear and tear on vehicles, property values, and general quality of living in our community.


Roads Overview: OLCA has about 29 miles of unpaved/unimproved roads, 7.5 miles of asphalt paved roads, and 3.5 miles of chip-sealed roads. (See OLCA Map)